Magic City Neighbors on the Mic

Magic City Neighbors Episode 2 - Mayor William Judge

The Magic City Messenger Season 1 Episode 2
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00:00 | 18:14

Welcome to the Magic City Neighbors on the Mic Episode 2. When he heard about the podcast, Barberton Mayor William Judge instantly called us wanting to have the chance to sit down and talk.  So, we took him up on it.  As lifelong resident and the mayor, he's got an interesting perspective and love for the city. We talked about everything from roads to bowling balls and had a lot of laughs in between. We hope that you enjoy this conversation just as much as we did. 
Thanks to Pedal Stomper Productions  for sponsoring this episode.
If you'd like to sponsor an upcoming episode, let us know with a comment or through the Pedal Stomper Productions website. 
Who do you think we should have on as our next guest?